Would you like to know one of my sillier reasons?
I didn't want you to be the first one to see my new haircut.
Sure it was silly, but those are the things that matter to me. Which you never really understood, because I never really gave you a chance to understand, because I'm sort of secretive like that, which is another thing I never let you understand. I'm just tricky that way.
I wanted my best friend to be the first one to see it, aside from my mother, who took me to the hairdresser, and the hairdresser herself, and all the people who saw me walking from the hairdresser's to the car, who didn't know me anyway.
Although I would have accepted Walt Whitman. If you had been Walt Whitman, I would have let you see my haircut first.
But if you were Walt Whitman, in addition to being completely awesome, you would be dead.
That would be weird.
(See what I meant about my being a little tricky?)
Sorry I dumped you, anyway.
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