We went looking for butterflies in springtime, just to feel their kisses. We were so world-wise at seven so as we didn't believe our mothers. We wore shirts that bade us to go find elephants and kiss them. We would've kissed the elephants, if we had found any.
But even the butterflies proved elusive.
We kissed flowers instead, in practice for the butterflies, but the yellow insides ticked our noses and we laughed and sneezed and laughed and sneezed. We had adventures as pirates, as princes, as genies. We fought with swords and knighted our best men and granted wishes.
Night came, and the butterflies and the birds and the children went home, and so we followed, dragging our dragon-slaying swords in the mud. And Mother and Father scolded us for staying out so late.
But we still felt like winners.
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