For something fictional, the term Kryptonite was surprisingly versatile. And if I heard one more goddamned love song about how that pretty girl over in the corner was the singer's Kryptonite, I was going to hurl.
Yes, hurl.
Every romantic in the world could just choke. My boyfriend was one of those. He had big ideas of love and affection. I just liked him. My best friend was one of those; luckily, her boyfriend was sane. The whole thing was positively sickening.
"What are you doing on Saturday?" Marilee asked me, smiling on Wednesday. There's something about Wednesdays that turns smiles into veritable anathema. I was doing Chemistry homework. I did not like Chemistry.
Marilee was listening to one of those stupid songs about Kryptonite.
I eyed her speculatively. "Sleeping," I half said, half asked. Marilee was kind of a pushy character, she was.
"Incorrect," she informed me, sitting down on the edge of my bed with nothing of an invitation. I tried to concentrate on finding the radius of a chlorine atom. "You are going to the movies." Okay, so if it was a body centered cubic... Or was it face centered? Shit. Marilee made it hard to concentrate, with all that bouncing.
"Really?" I asked, just to buy myself some time, so I could plug a few numbers into my calculator. Marilee nodded excitedly. "Yeah," I said, hardly paying attention, "I actually think I'm studying Chemistry this Saturday. Aw, man, bummer."
She took away my notebook and glared.
I returned the glare.
She glared some more.
Marilee was better at glaring than I was. I sighed, and reached for my notebook, but she held it out of my reach until I sighed again and said, "Fine, I'll go."
Instantly the deadly glare was replaced with an innocent smile. "Good," she told me, handing back the notebook. "We're going to see Superman."
Gosh, your posts are so random, but I can't stop myself from reading them, haha.
I love ketchup!
You have the most incredibly well-named blog.
Thanks for being awesome
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