

This is the very last day of this decade.
I feel as though I should have something important to say.

Goodbye, 2009. Goodbye, childhood.
Hello, old.


I don't sleep well
when I'm anticipating

your homecoming.


I write a lot about killing.
Especially about killing the things I love.

Have you been warned away?
(danger danger hermoine granger? i think not.)


some things are tasty
some things will kill you

this dinner is both!


And so sometimes I know it's not easy to believe
but I did love you

before you got dead.


Sometimes it's not obvious why
or even how

but it happens.


The biggest day for movies of the year
and also the traditional war

maternal vs paternal


At midnight bridging this day and the next
you wished me my Merry Christmas.

Here's to many similar returns.


In the event of my death:

1) Please do not, through any internet venue, include the words "RIP Taylor" or "we'll miss you" or any variant thereof.
2) Please bring a lot of brightly colored balloons to my funeral, and then ensure that they are properly disposed of, so as to not kill baby sea creatures or large predatory birds.
3) Please do not discuss me in any way that is now awkward because I am dead. Talk about me the way you always had, as if you were about to see me next period.
4) Please complete my list of 101 things in the next 1001 days.
5) Please make sure I am dead. Ways to do this would include burning my body to a fine ash, or perhaps sticking several sharp blades through my corpse. I do not judge you for killing me by accident, but if you bury me alive, I will haunt the crap out of you.

Thank you.

Sorry this is not three sentences.

(notarized by Meg)


I hate dogs.
I hate that they are ugly and smelly and feeble

and just as you start to love them, they die.


Masterpiece theatre!
Things that are dry and dull and



On this, the longest night of the year
I remember to yearn for summer

those times once spent with you.


"I went to Robin Hood camp in my dream,
and then the cow dug under the fence like a dog

only it was a cow."


You're ugly
and your mother dresses you funny.


Excuses at midnight
Allocations by morning

Thwarted once again!


I used to see myself as a girl with no boundaries
I am now tied in place.

Thin, thin thread.


Remember those days
when we had plenty of time?

No, me neither.


I hate when later comes.
As in, I can do that later.

Three weeks ago.


I like to pretend to smoke, like
look how cool I am,

I'm not biting my nails anymore.


If I were an artist,
I would give you a pretty picture

to go with these fluffy, meaningless words.


I am jealous of you all.
You normal, uncomplicated strangers.

Dangers, rangers, hermione grangers!


I hate Christmas.
I don't think this makes me a bad person.

Just interesting, like wizards.


Sometimes I wish I was a spy.
That would be so cool!

And peaceful, when I got caught.


I write about you all the time,
never by name.

God, you're too special for that.


You think you're so clever,
just because you didn't get caught.

It's not that hard to kill someone.


God, you are so selfish.
You assume that everything is about you.

There are plenty of people who would be thrilled to have me stalk them, you know.


Think about it like this:
you did have to die eventually.

I'm just so flattered that you chose me!


You did say, after all,
that you think zombies are cool.

Happy birthday!


"We think she's dead."

A crash, a creak, and crumble.


You told me never to get kidnapped,
that you'd probably have to kill the guy who did it.

And then you would get kidnapped by the police.


You are on a train, going.
I am in my bed, staying.

No, we are really not that far apart.

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