Blue didn't hardly describe my mood that day; I was positively navy. I watched the shooting stars alone, knitting a blanket, and making wish after useless wish. I was sick and tired of political cartoons that didn't bring you home.
Do you remember back in elementary school, when they told us that our votes could change anything? They told us that we had to go vote, that it was our civic duty, that we'd make an impact on the world.
I'm starting to realize more and more that everything they taught us in elementary school was bullshit. Christopher Columbus didn't befriend the fucking Indians, okay?
I voted for the war to end, even though my family mocked me for being a stinking liberal.
Not that I'm not glad you didn't join the army. If you hadn't, you'd never have been able to afford college and if you hadn't been able to afford college, I never would have met you. And maybe that means I wouldn't be missing you now, and I wouldn't be doing our tradition alone, but that doesn't much seem worth it.
I might feel differently if you get hurt.
That night, flushed in navy, I kept making stupid useless wish after stupid useless wish because I didn't think it could hurt, regardless.
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