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Yde Girl

"We hereby offer to thee, the gods, this girl."

I cried under the hood.

"May she serve you well in your lands."

The noose was tight around my neck.

"Her soul is steady but her body infirm and we cannot keep her."

My back was bent.

"Please accept this hair as a preparation for our offering."

he smell of burning hair--my hair, shaved from only one side of my head--choked me.
A human sacrifice is never pretty.
She's always the one that none of the men want.
She's always the one that nobody likes.

And then they tightened the noose around my neck until I couldn't breathe and I convulsed but with no strength because I couldn't breathe and I fought them as they picked me up and grasped breaths I could because they weren't pulling any tighter but my fighting was too weak because I'd always been weak.

I was still alive when they threw me into the bog.

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