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7 (gimp)

dear god,

i'm sure that i'm not alone in saying that i ask for a lot of shit, but don't give a whole hell of a lot in return. i believe the clergyman would call this praying. maybe there are people who (religiously speaking) are better than i am who do not abuse this policy in the most selfish of ways. i have never been, however, good at worshiping. it kind of sketches me out, to be honest.

january 2, 2010: oh my god (shit, but you get the point), thank you.

today was a very good day, and i'd like to take a moment to stop and appreciate that. and maybe you're up there playing the puppeteer, or maybe you're just a movie buff, watching the plot that never ends.

but for shiz? how great was today?

answer: an orchestrated masterpiece of the happy-endings scale.

days like these are the reasons i remain a staunch optimist, even when things go bad. days like these are the ones that instill my unbreakable faith that everything will turn out okay. i mean, when good things happen over and over again, how can you even start to doubt? this is why i don't understand hobbes. this is why i butt heads with the charming mr. mck.

i wish i could teach this to all the sad people.

so we've come back full circle, asking things again. but sadness begone?

i'll write the infomercial.


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